Quotations about Computers

A picture is worth a thousand words but it takes 3,000 times the disk space. ~Author Unknown

Quotations about Computers

Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months. ~Clifford Stoll

Quotations about Computers

Computing is not about computers any more. It is about living. ~Nicholas Negroponte

Quotations about Computers

Computers have lots of memory but no imagination. ~Author Unknown

Quotations about Computers

Hardware: the parts of a computer that can be kicked. ~Jeff Pesis

Thursday, October 24, 2013

ICDL exam - ICT EXAM 3


أمتحانات ICDL  - أمتحانات ICT

ICDL exam - ICT EXAMS,أمتحانات ICDL  - أمتحانات ICT

أمتحانات ICT  بدون الحل 
1-Which one of the following types of computer is most likely to be used by a travelling salesman?

A.    A desktop computer.
B.     A tablet PC.
C.     A server.
D.    A laptop.
2-Which one of the following is a term for systems used to store, retrieve, process and transmit data?
A.    Internet & Communication Technologies.
B.     Internet & Information technologies.
C.     Information & Communication technologies.
D.    Information & Computer technologies.
3-Which one of the following measures the speed of the CPU?
A.    Gigahertz (GHz).
B.     Bits per second (Bps).
C.     Gigabytes (GB).
D.    Megabytes (MB).
4-Which one of the following is a term for an audio or video recording posted on a web site that can be downloaded and played later?
A.    Podcast.
B.     Blog.
C.     VoIP.
D.    RSS Feed.
5-Which one of the following describes a computer's operating system?
A.    Software that can retrieve information from a database.
B.     Hardware that can scan and convert photographs into digital files.
C.     Software that controls the allocation and usage of hardware.
D.    Hardware that can record and send images across the Internet.
6-Which one of the following types of software would you most likely use to
create a letter?

A.    Web browsing software.
B.     Spreadsheet software.
C.     Accounting software.
D.    Word processing software.
7-The computers in your office building are connected together so staff can
share files and printers. What is this arrangement of computers called?

The Internet.

A.    A Local Area Network.
B.     The World Wide Web.
C.     A network port.
8-Which one of the following is a private network that allows specified external user's access?
A.    Intranet.
B.     WorldNets.
C.     Internet.
D.    Extranet.
9-Which one of the following devices do you need to be able to communicate
with other computers using the telephone network?

A.    CD-ROM.
B.     Modem.
C.     Printer.
D.    Speakers
10-Which one of the following is a software application that assists users who are visually impaired to identify and interpret what is displayed on screen?
A.    A screen calendar.
B.     A word processor.
C.     A screen reader.
D.    A web log.
11-Which one of the following is a common feature of e-learning?
A.    Always requires physical class attendance.
B.     Cannot download documents for later reading.
C.     Learning is self-paced.
D.    Travel time and costs are very high.
12-Which one of the following is NOT a feature of electronic commerce?
A.    Goods can be advertised and prices compared.
B.     There is physical contact between buyer and seller.
C.     Transactions can be processed quickly.
D.    Services are available 24 hours a day.
13-Which one of the following is the best way to maintain a good posture?
A.    Ensure your computer is in a well-lit area
B.     Make sure that there are no cables on the floor
C.     Make sure that your computer is using a fast processor.
D.    Make sure that your computer; desk and chair are positioned correctly.
14-Which one of the following statements describes a good approach to
information security for an organisation?

A.    There are no procedures for reporting security lapses.
B.     Staff passwords are not changed regularly.
C.     Sensitive data is available to everyone that requests it.
D.    Keeping an off-site backup of all files.
15-Which one of the following is a good password policy for an organisation?
A.    All passwords are changed regularly.
B.     All passwords are never changed.
C.     All passwords are made up of less than four characters.
D.    All passwords are made up of less than four numbers.
16-Which one of the following is the best way to protect a computer against computer viruses?
A.    Only virus-check e-mail attachments.
B.     Update antivirus software on a regular basis.
C.     Always make sure that the operating system is up to date.
D.    Only download files from the Internet during business hours.
17-Which one of the following statements describes shareware?
A.    Totally free software that is available only on the Internet.
B.     Commercial based software that must be paid for.
C.     Software available for free on a trial basis after which payment will be required.
D.    Copyright free software that allows unlimited copies and distribution.
There are rules governing the rights of a data subject and the responsibilities of a data controller. 18-What are these rules called?
A.    Data Privacy Policy.
B.     Data Management Act.
C.     Data Protection legislation or conventions.
D.    Data Publicity Law.
19-Which one of the following is an example of hardware?
A.    An antivirus program.
B.     A spreadsheet application.
C.     A mouse.
D.    The World Wide Web.
20-Which one of the following would improve computer performance?
A.    Using a larger monitor.
B.     Increasing the number of applications running.
C.     Using a faster printer.
D.    Increasing the size of RAM.
21-Which one of the following is NOT a function of the Central Processing Unit?
A.    Executing program instructions.
B.     Ensuring program instructions are executed in the correct sequence.
C.     Sending e-mail.
D.    Carrying out calculations.
22-Which one of the following is both an input and output device?
A.    Touchscreen.
B.     Keyboard.
C.     Printer.
D.    Scanner
23-Which one of the following is a method of publishing frequently updated content such as news headlines online?
A.    A Blog.
B.     RSS.
C.     A Podcast.
D.    Instant messaging
24-Which one of the following is an example of an operating system?
A.    iTunes.
B.     PowerPoint.
C.     Windows.
D.    Netscape.
25-Which one of the following is considered good environmental practice?
A.    Using a slow computer.
B.     Printing on both sides of a page.
C.     Using up to date software.
D.    Backing up data on a regular basis.
26-Which one of the following statements about the Internet is TRUE?
A.    The Internet is a global network that links many computer networks together.
B.     The Internet is a private company network.
C.     The Internet is a visual representation of linked documents.
D.    The Internet is a network operating system.
27-Which one of the following is an input/output port?
A.    Linear.
B.     Radial.
C.     Lateral.
D.    FireWire.
28-Which one of the following is an advantage of teleworking?
A.    Long commuting times.
B.     Flexible schedules.
C.     Less emphasis on teamwork.
D.    Lack of human contact.
29-Which one of the following is a characteristic of broadband?
A.    Completely safe from intruders.
B.     It has a dial up connection.
C.     High speed.
D.    Cost can vary from day to day.
30-Which one of the following is a text-based communication between two or more people over the Internet?
A.    Podcasting.
B.     Really Simple Syndication.
C.     Voice over Internet Protocol.
D.    Instant Messaging.
31-Which one of the following practices helps create a good ergonomic working environment?
A.    Protecting computer monitors from reflections and glare by correct positioning.
B.     Taking very few breaks away from the computer.
C.     Keeping the office cold and using low overhead lighting.
D.    Use of non-adjustable chairs when working with computers.
32-Why is it necessary for an organisation to adopt a good password policy?
A.    To allow easy sharing of files across the company network.
B.     To make it easier for the computer to connect to a network.
C.     To protect files against unauthorized use.
D.    To make it easier to find files on a computer
33-Which one of the following is a way to prevent the theft of data from a computer?
A.    Use an up to date anti-virus program.
B.     Back up data on a regular basis.
C.     Remove the monitor when not in use.
D.    Set up a username and password.
34-Which one of the following should be carried out to safeguard files from loss in case the main copy is damaged?
A.    Backup files to a new location on your computer.
B.     Install password security.
C.     Backup the files regularly and store offsite.
D.    Install a firewall.
35-Which one of the following could allow a virus to enter a computer?
A.    Downloading files from the Internet onto the computer.
B.     Connecting the computer to a new printer.
C.     Running a virus scan on the computer.
D.    Setting the computer monitor to a low resolution.
36-Which one of the following statements about an End User License Agreement is true?
  A.    It gives full ownership of the software to the user of the software.

              B.     It gives the user the exclusive right to copy and sell the software to other potential users.
              C.     It gives the user the right to modify the software.
              D.    It gives the user the right to install and run the software on a specified number of computers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

About ICDL course

كورس icdl;امتحانات icdl;دورة دورات icdl;شرح icdl;شهادة icdl;icdl بالعربى ;ict;information and communication technonlogy ;شرح برنامج الوورد;شرح استخدام الوورد;word;excel;شرح برنامج الاكسيل;شرح استخدام الاكسيل  ;قاعدة بيانات access  ;شرح برنامج اكسيس;power point ;بوربوينت ; internet explorer  ;اوت لوك ;outlook برنامج;الرخصه الدوليه لقيادة الحاسب الألى;nternational computer driving license
icdl course

مدونه http://icdl-course.blogspot.com) ICDL course) مقدمه لكل من يقوم بدراسه منهج ICDL و التحضير لدخول أمتحان ICDL و الحصول على شهادة ICDL. أتمنى ان كل من يقوم بالدخول الى هذه المدونه أن يجد ما يبحث عنه و يساعده على الحصول على شهادة ICDL.

This ICDL course http://icdl-course.blogspot.com ) is meant for students studying ICDL courses and preparing for ICDL Certification Test. Hope that everyone entrance  his blog can find whatever he / she wants and help him / her to pass ICDL exams.

كورس ICDLICDL Course 

من خلال هذه المدونه ستجد كل ما يتعلق بشهادة

الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب الآلى 



 شرح منهج شهادة ICDL
ICDL courses

فيديو تعليمى فى الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب الآلى
  ICDL tutorial videos 

 تحميل كتب الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب الآلى
ICDL books download

امتحانات (اختبارات) الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب الآلى 
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التسجيل فى الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب الآلى فى مصر
ICDL Egypt registration

موقع الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب الآلى فى مصر 
موقع ICDL Egypt 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

CPU,RAM,ROM المعالج و الذاكرة

وحدة المعالج المركزية 

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

ما هى وحده المعالجة المركزيه What is the CPU ؟
المعالج او CPU هو من أهم أجزاء الكمبيوتر الذي يتم فيه أجراء العمليات الحسابيةArithmetic Logic Unit و عمليات المقارنه و التحكم في أجزاء الكمبيوتر الأخرىControl Unit
و تقاس سرعة المعالج CPU بوحدة قياس تسمى (Megahertz)MHz و (Gigahertz)GHz

CPU is one of the most important parts of the computer, which can do some operations such as calculation, comparison and controlling in other parts of the computer .
 The speed of the CPU measured by (Megahertz) MHz and (Gigahertz) GHz
وحدة المعالجة المركزية;cpu;Central Processing Unit ;processor
CPU Central Processing Unit
وحدة المعالة المركزية

ذاكرة الكمبيوتر Computer Memory

ما هى ذاكره الحاسوب What are the computer memory ؟
ذاكرة الكمبيوترهى المكان الذي يتم تخزين البيانات و المعلومات به حيث يوجد نوعان رأسيتان من الذاكرة داخل الكمبيوتر و هي :
Computer memory is the place where we can store data and information, where there are two types of memory in the computer.

 RAM (Random Access Memory)

ذاكرة الوصول العشوائى : حيث يتم تحميل نظام التشغيل و البرامج الأخرى مثل Word و Excel و غيرها
Random Access Memory is where we can upload the operating system and the application programs such as MS Word, MS Excel and others.

ROM (Read Only Memory)

 ذاكرة القراءه فقط : هىشريحة تحتوي على بيانات المصانع التي قامت بتصنيع أجزاء الكمبيوتر و الساعة و البرامج التي تسمح لنظام التشغيل بالتحميل على الذاكرة RAM
Read Only Memory contains the manufacture data and some other data such as the 
 ما الفرق بين RAM و ROM  ؟
Random Access Memory
Read Only Memory
ذاكرة مؤقتة  Changing, temporary
ذاكرة دائمة Permanent, Unchanging
تحتوي على نظام التشغيل و البرامج بمجرد فتح الجهاز و تحميل البرامج Loading
تحتوي على معلومات نظام التشغيل و الأجزاء الصلبة
المحتوى يختفي بمجرد غلق الجهاز Disappear
المحتوى لا يختفي بمجرد غلق الجهاز Don't disappear
تكتب بمعرفة المستخدم User
تكتب بمعرفة المصنع Manufacture
يمكن الكتابة عليها Can write
لا يمكن الكتابة عليها Can't write(Fixed)
ROM ;Read Only Memory;RAM;Random Access Memory;computer memory
RAM Read Only Memory
ROM Random Access Memory

وحدات قياس ذاكرة الحاسوب

 Computer Measurements

ما هى وحدات قياس ذاكره الحاسوب ؟
 What are the measurement units of the computer memory ?
هناك العديد من وحدات قياس الذاكرة و هي كما يلي مرتبة من الصغير الى الكبير
There are some measurement units we use to measure the computer memory. These units are (from the smallest to the biggest)
Bit هي وحدة القياس الأساسية
Byte = 8 Bit
Kilobyte = 1000(1024) Byte
Megabyte= 1000(1024) Kilobyte
Gigabyte = 1000(1024) Megabyte

Bit;Byte ;Kilobyte;MegaByte;Gigabyte ;computer measurements
وحدات قياس ذاكرة الحاسوب computer measurements

 قياس أداء الحاسوب Computer Performance

كيفيه قياس أداء الحاسوب؟
 How to measure the computer performance?
هناك عدة عوامل يمكن أستخدامها في قياس أداء الحاسوب Computer Performance وهي:
-         سرعة المعالج CPU Speed
-         حجم الذاكرة المؤقتة RAM Size
-         سرعة و حجم القرص الصلب Hard disk Speed and Space
-         عدد البرامج المفتوحة في نفس الوقت Number of opening applications
There are some factors we can use to measure the computer performance . These factors are:
CPU Speed
RAM Size
 Hard disk Speed and Space
 Number of opening applications